Friday, June 4, 2010

Fetal Heart "Tones"

What do you think of the You-Tube videos where an undercover woman TRIES to talk to a Planned Parenthood doctor before an abortion? She asks him if the fetus has a heartbeat. He squirms around and says there's no heartbeat, but there are heart TONES. Hmm. Always interesting to invent new uses for words, depending on the purpose for doing so. She asks when it becomes a heartBEAT. He says simply, "birth". So let me get this straight. In the womb the heart is pumping blood to oxygenate the body cells, but that's only heart TONES. After birth the heart does the same thing for the same purpose, but that's called heart BEAT. What deceptive use of words! Oh, the wicked deception of the human heart! Does it have no limit?

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