Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Hope the US Can Help Uganda Get Kony

I'm not sure why the US suddenly decided we should help Uganda track down and dispose of Joseph Kony. I fear it's motivated by politics, but it could be that President Obama has some information to which we are not privy which gives good reason to get involved at this time.

Well, better late than never. I hope we give our forces a mandate that will not tie their hands as the UN mandate did during the Rwandan genocide. I pray that our combined efforts will meet with success and that wicked man will be brought to justice.

How dare he blaspheme the name of God by using the name "The Lord's Resistance Army" as if he were under the command of the Lord? The Lord he serves is not my Lord Jesus Christ, that's for sure.

How inhuman and indecent can one become, to force young children to survive by turning them into child soldiers and forcing them to kill their own families, thus doing deep, deep damage to their souls? We are Every Child Ministries are working to bring healing to those deep, searing wounds, possible only through the power of Jesus Christ who rose from the dead.

I find no joy in the death of any sinner, but Africa and the world needs to be relieved of this ugly, devastating cancer called Joseph Kony. Go get him!

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