Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Black Man Will Be President--Why Can't I Smile?

The first black man in history has been elected president of the United States. With my love for Africa, I should be out dancing in the streets. I have a black daughter and two black granddaughters. I should be shouting for joy. I know the encouragement this is to all my African American friends. Just to think that it could be done, that we've come that far, that such a thing is now possible. I should be dancing all night, like the schoolkids used to do in Congo the day after exams were over, as they did in Ghana when they defeated the American team in football. I went out and celebrated with them. We drove around town and honked and cheered and wrapped our heads in the Ghana football flag. For black people, the election of a black president is a far greater victory. Why can't I celebrate now?

I can't. Yes, it's wonderful just to know that a person of color can achieve such a status. Yes, I'm thrilled about that. But to have this specific black man as president causes me great distress. I'm distressed because he has promised Planned Parenthood that the first bill he will sign will be a Freedom of Choice Act overturning all present restrictions on abortion like parental notification and all of it. Yet what kind of babies are eliminated more frequently than any other kind by abortion? Black babies.

I'm distressed because I've been reading that he plans to immediately restore funding for UNFPA which would use US taxpaper dollars to fund abortions overseas, even funding forced abortion in China. But me, I love Africa. That's the special place in the world that God has laid on my heart, in addition to my own homeland. It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach to think that my tax dollars may be used to fund abortions of precious African babies. Yet it appears that such things are very high on O'Bama's agenda--so important that they may happen right away almost as soon as he is sworn in.

Well, if it happens, I intend to raise my voice. I hope that others will not be so caught up in their own economic problems that they fail to raise their voices as well. The Bush administration might be criticized on many points, but policies that disregard the human lives of the unborn are NOT THE CHANGE WE WERE LOOKING FOR.

I have a suggestion for Mr. O'Bama. All presidents find that it's easier to make promises than it is to keep them. We know you made pro-abortion promises, and the American people were so caught up in their own miseries that they hardly noticed. Please, you don't have to carry through on every promise. Don't carry through on this one. Please. Why destroy your own people? Please.


  1. Lorella, first off, the President's name is OBAMA, not O'Bama as you have stated numerous times in your article. Having said that, let me state that President Obama is one of the best and loving presidents that the United States has ever elected. He has a good heart and has never ever shown to you nor anyone that abortion is a great thing. He has never been a promoter of abortion, something the prolife folks fail to realize. He is pro choice like several Christians are, and we too love Christ exceedingly just as the pro lifers claim also. The fact that he is pro choice does not translate into loving or promoting abortion. President Obama is more loving and more humane than a thousand and one Republicans or tea baggers who hate blacks and black children. How many black children are adopted or have American foster parents? You do well to love black children and our Lord has reserved a special place in Heaven right by His side for you and John. But to tear into this president the way and manner you have been since he became a presidential candidate is not Christ like. Do you read and hear about the number of black men and poor white men who die as a result of capital punishment. Surveys have revealed that several innocent men have gone to their deaths because of this capital punishment. Isn't capital punishment death, or is that kind of death different from abortion? Why are majority of Republicans or pro lifers so much in favor of capital punishment but are against pro choice? Lorella, I love you with all my heart because you love Jesus and are doing a wonderful job - indeed - when I move back home I plan on approaching whichever government is in power to dedicate something or some activity in your honor, (irrespective of your objection because of your humility.) Nevertheless tearing apart this president because of your opposition to his stance - as a pro choice individual is going way too far. Yes, it is a free country and the 1st Amendment guarantees the Freedom of Speech and individuals' beliefs. We (as in majority of Americans - blacks and whites) have elected him and we celebrate God's goodness for making it possible for His own servant, a very humble man, a man who never had a father, who was raised by the kindness and largesse of his "white" grandparents, a man who is soooooo kind and gentle and yet have been smeared by American racists, a man who is trying his best to implement policies that will benefit the average working person and the poor person. How many other presidents have ever looked out for the poor and down trodden? Aren't these the same folks our Lord Jesus charges us to do good to and for? Lorella, you and I will not see eye to eye on this subject especially when you blatantly show your disrespect and dislike for this our cherished president. But he has been elected and we adore him and we pray for him always, my church and the universal church throughout the diaspora, for Godly Solomon-like wisdom to govern this blessed country. You do not have to celebrate. We will celebrate and thank our Lord for His mercies.
    God bless you and John and all the missionaries in Africa especially in my country at Haven of Hope. Your endeavors would not go unrewarded.
    In His name with much thanksgiving.

    Felicia Gifty Ofori-Atta

  2. Felicia, I love and respect you as I know you are a person who deeply cares for African children--at least, at a certain age. I'm not sure what that age is, since you have expressed support for a president who has also supported leave-them-to-die legislation for babies who are so strong that they even resist attempts to abort them and are born alive. My personal conviction is this. Believing that a child is conceived in the image of God, and knowing that at conception the child already possesses all the genetic information he or she will ever have, I support life at all ages.

    I believe in all kinds of choice--but human choices have to be limited when they infringe on the rights of others. My right to privacy and choice cannot supersede anyone else's right to life, and a mother's right to privacy and choice cannot supersede her child's right to life. (Before the current American law it can, but not before God's law.) That is my belief and I have to stand up for that, because life is the most basic of all human rights.

    Love and Blessings to you,
    Mama Lorella


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