Saturday, March 20, 2010

God is intimately involved

This morning I was getting ready to shower, cleaning out the hairs that always accumulate in the filter. I was thinking about how the Bible says that the very hairs of our head are all numbered by our Heavenly Father. (Matthew 10:30). Laughing, I said to myself, "He doesn't just count them once. He has to get a new count every time we shower." Suddenly I began to gain a new appreciation for God's intimate care over His creation. He isn't involved only in the big things--keeping the planets on their courses, etc. He is intimately and personally involved with His creatures, and with each of us.

How different this is from the idea so prevalent in African traditional religion that God is Creator all right, but He's far away, too busy or too disinterested to care much about our affairs. Priests of African traditional religion tell me that God appointed the lesser gods to take care of the affairs of the world and of our lives. Of course, God is very clear that He appointed only One Mediator between us and Him--our Lord Jesus Christ (I Timothy 2:5). I've always known He cares about us. But it struck me in a new way that day. I care about my daughter, but I don't count the hairs on her head. Even the hairs in the drain would keep me busy. God cares about us so much and He knows the details of our lives so intimately, that He keeps track of each hair. I am so glad that I serve a God who is intimately involved. Praise Him forever, and may every group of people in Africa come to know His great care for them.


  1. Hi Lorella...this must be a message God really wants us to hear today. My Pastor just sent a note to me this morning reminding me of Paul's teaching to "Pray about everything", but we often wonder if this includes every little thing. We seem to know what is a big thing and what is a little thing. But what is big or little to God? A cut finger would be little and big would be a world wide problem. But God says pray about everything...all that you are worried about. He doesn't put conditions on the size of the issue. Thank you Lord!

    P.S. I'm really enjoying your blog...just found it today after you posted on FB. I especially love your "about me". You are amazing Lorella! I hope I can achieve even 5% of what you have!

  2. I, unlike Brooke, am not one to cackle out loud. I am a serious person and wish I did have more of a sense of humor. BUT YOU JUST CRACKED ME UP TILL MY BELLY IS SORE.........READING YOUR BLOG ON THE HAIRS OF OUR HEAD. I so wish there was room for me to copy and paste that little bit on FB as from a missionary friend. We all need to read that. That is a profound piece of info in case you didn't realize it. I am so much growing to love you Lorella.
    May I ask your age? I will go first. I just turned 69 in Feb. YIKES!!! 1 more year and then I am actually legally "an ole lady"!!!

  3. Hi, I am 64 years YOUNG right now. I definitely can't do all that I did 30 years ago when I started missionary work, but so far God has kept my mind active and my heart warm. I'm highly motivated, so that overcomes a lot of the aches and pains. I believe God lets our bodies wear out gradually by design so that we will begin thinking of eternity.


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